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DGMF Vertical Toggle Clamps

Vertical Toggle Clamps Supplier

DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd, the mold clamps manufacturer in China, supplies vertical toggle clamps, and provides injection mold componentsdie press componentsmachine tools, and fasteners for your best choice.
Contact the DGMF sales team for the vertical hold-down toggle clamp specifications, pricing, and inventory.
Or other clamp components you need.

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What are Vertical Toggle Clamps?

The vertical toggle clamps are vertical hold-down toggle clamps and mounting plate Kits for woodworking to maximize efficiency in vertical applications.

The vertical toggle clamp is in a vertical position with the handle and the press arm in the clamping state. Pressing down the handle can relax the workpiece, and lifting the handle can clamp the workpiece.

The vertical toggle clamp is suitable for lateral positioning clamping, hole positioning clamping, vertical positioning clamping, and so on.


DGMF Vertical Toggle Clamp Usages

Vertical toggle clamps have a wide range of uses, mainly including the following aspects:


In machining, vertical toggle clamps are often used to clamp workpieces for turning, milling, and drilling processes to ensure the accuracy and stability of machining.

Welding Fixtures:

Vertical quick-release toggle clamps are also widely used in the welding field for a variety of welding fixtures to improve welding efficiency and accuracy of workpiece positioning.

Assembly Fixture:

In vehicle manufacturing and other mechanical equipment assembly processes, vertical toggle clamps can quickly and accurately fix the workpiece to improve assembly efficiency.

Inspection Fixtures:

In inspection fixtures, vertical quick-release toggle clamps can ensure the table positioning of workpieces and ensure the accuracy of inspection results.





DGMF Vertical Toggle Clamp Views

DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd - Steel VS 304 Stainless Steel Vertical Toggle Clamps
DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd – Steel VS 304 Stainless Steel Vertical Toggle Clamps






DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd - Vertical Hold-Down Toggle Clamps
DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd – Vertical Hold-Down Toggle Clamps






DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd - Stainless Steel Vertical Toggle Clamps
DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd – Stainless Steel Vertical Toggle Clamps






DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd - Vertical Toggle Clamps
DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd – Vertical Toggle Clamps






DGMF Vertical Toggle Clamp Advantages

The advantages of vertical quick clamp include:

Quick Clamping:

Adopting a quick clamping mechanism, the fixture can be easily and quickly installed and removed, which significantly improves productivity and work efficiency.

Multiple Clamping Methods:

Supports hydraulic, pneumatic, and mechanical clamping methods to adapt to different process requirements and workpiece characteristics.

Good Positioning Ability:

Excellent positioning ability to ensure the accuracy and stability of the process.

Wide Applicability:

Applicable to a variety of processing types and fields, such as automotive parts, moulds, machinery, and equipment parts.



Besides the Hand Tool Toggle Clamp Handle Clamp, we also have the Horizontal Acting Toggle ClampsLatch Acting Type Toggle ClampsPush-pull Type Toggle ClampsQuick-release Toggle Clamps, and Hand Tool Toggle Clamps, etc.




DGMF Toggle Latch Clamps

DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd - Types of Quick-Release Toggle Clamps
DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd – Types of Quick-Release Toggle Clamps






DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd - Latch-Acting Type Toggle Clamps Supplier
DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd – Latch-Acting Type Toggle Clamps






DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd - Toggle Clamp Styles
DGMF Mold Clamps Co., Ltd – Toggle Clamp Styles